Pilot Spotlight: Interview with WWD Ambassador, Sandrine Hecq
Tell us your story. How did you get started in the drone industry and when did that happen?
Four years ago I started an online business with my partner, his brother and best friend. I used to create some adventurous/lifestyle intro's to our marketing videos with go pro footage, that all changed when I came across a video on YouTube of Jay Alvarrez with some epic drone shots. I was seriously blown away and immediately bought a 3DR Solo Drone.
My partner Chris would mostly fly it, as I was scared of crashing it and thought it was a mans jobs :) For 1.5 years I watched my partner fly the drone and I would get really upset when he didn't get the footage I wanted. I would stand next to him and tell him what to do, as he had a different eye to me when shooting.
A year ago, I decided to grab the DJI Phantom 4 Pro controller from him and since then I have never given it back. I finally realized that women could drone too and I now love to create video's portraying how beautiful our planet is from above.
Tell us about your company/work/organization and your position.
I am a Co-Founder of Lifestyle By My Own Design. I specialize in social media advertising, alongside content creativity and communications. I have also started selling my drone prints and presets online.
What kind of drone(s) do you fly and what's your favorite thing about it?
DJI PHANTOM 4 PRO! The quality is my number one favorite feature. I also love how it handles itself in the wind with four motion sensors, which has saved my little drone many many times.
Have you learned any valuable lessons being in the drone industry you can share with our female drone community?
Your timing is critical to capture the best quality footage. I always shoot in the golden hours - early morning or sunset with PolarPro Filters. I have been using the PolarPro cinematic filters and can not rave about them enough! They really do take your footage to the next level.
I would also recommend these tips when taking any drone pictures:
Look for consistent patterns
Shoot in RAW format
Utilize the thirds grid overlay for composition
Stick to a lower ISO
Always have fun :)
Whether its from a creative, commercial or humanitarian perspective, tell us about your most memorable drone flight you have piloted thus far.
My most memorable drone flight has to be in Zimbabwe at Victoria falls, catching magical rainbows from the mist of the water. I had plenty of tourists who stopped and couldn't keep their eyes off my screen. I finally experienced the full potential of these amazing falls with the help of my drone. I was so stunned by how beautiful and magical it looked from above. I had that overwhelming goose bump feeling and felt like it was the best drone footage I've taken.
What would you say to women and girls about the drone industry to spark their interest in getting involved?
I would like to voice that there are so many golden opportunities out their right now for women, this space has not been over-saturated by women yet. The moment you create that confidence and view the world from a different perspective, you will be hooked and opened to another magical world out there.
What excites you most about more women joining the drone industry?
The more women who join the industry, the more confidence and self-worth we create within ourselves. Women bring about a fresh perspective on this industry and prove that no matter what gender or race you may be, we are all equal. I have also noticed that big sponsors such as DJI are incorporating women in their ads and promotions, this is because more women finally see the potential and value in these amazing flying machines. They can open so many doors and bring a passion into your life that you never thought existed.
Is there anything else you would like our readers to know about you?
Never compare yourself to anyone, you are the only person holding yourself back from greatness :)
Check out Sandrine's Video story below!
Sandrine is a drone enthusiast who travels the world to capture pictures, vlogs and travel videos. She runs a online business which supports her passions to capture the world from a different perspective. She grew up in South Africa and moved to Perth Western Australia 6 years ago.