LAANC 2019: Major Updates and Expansions

Image Credit: The Federal Aviation Administration
There has been another major update in the LAANC systems.
As a quick recap: LAANC (Low Altitude Authorization and Notification Capability) is the first partnership under the FAA UAS Data Exchange. Its main goal is to bridge the gap between pilots and airports by allowing companies to share and receive authorization information, ensuring that air traffic professionals are informed when drones are flying under 400 feet near airports (controlled airspace). As of July 23rd, the LAANC system includes recreational flyers, expanding opportunities for safe drone operation.

Image Credit: Wix Stock Gallery
On November 21st, the FAA announced that they were expanding LAANC to four more airports. The four newly active airports are the Baltimore/Washington International Thurgood Marshall Airport in Maryland, Dulles International Airport in Virginia, William P. Hobby Airport in Texas, and Newark Liberty International Airport in New Jersey. A list of all the airports that are covered by LAANC is available on the FAA website.
In addition to more airports, the FAA has added seven more companies to their list of approved LAANC service providers. These new additions are Airspacelink, Avision, Botlink, Collins Aerospace, Drone Up, Simulyze, and Skygrid. A list of all 21 companies that have been approved to be LAANC UAS service suppliers is also available on the UAS Data Exchange page on the FAA website.

I am a writer and an artist based in Georgia. Specializing in illustration, graphic design, and video art, I love to explore the new ways technology intersects with art. I think drones have done amazing things for photography and video art, making what would previously be costly and difficult more accessible. As a complete novice, it was only recently that I saw what independent artists could do with their drones, and I continue to be impressed by the sights that drones are able to explore and the images they can capture. Instagram: @tyesha.ferron
#LAANC #LowAltitudeAuthorizationandNotificationCapabi #airport #FAAUASDataExchange #FAA #FederalAviationAdministration #BaltimoreWashingtonInternationalThurgoodMarsha #DullesInternationalAirport #WilliamPHobbyAirport #NewarkLibertyInternationalAirport #Airspacelink #Avision #Botlink #CollinsAerospace #DroneUp #Simulyze #Skygrid