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Below is a list of our frequently asked questions for novice or beginners

Can’t find the answer to your question?
Feel free to contact us at


I want to buy a drone

Our Store

Our recommendation is to buy a beginner drone (Mavic Air 2, Mavic Pro 2, Mavic Mini) all while you study for your Part 107 exam. It is important to get practical experience all while you are learning about regulations, weather and safety.

Purchase from our store and you'll help fund our drone education & programming.


I want to connect with more Women who drone

Join Our Community

Lastly, if you have not already done so, please be sure to join our online global FB Group community where women around the world are sharing their drone experiences and knowledge with each other on a daily basis.


I want to integrate drones into my business

Workshops and Tutorials

Feel free to also take a look at our virtual workshops and educational content, which is available for free on Teachable. Our topics include Lightroom editing, Real Estate photography, running your own Drone business, Pilot Operations, and more.


I want to get certified

Affiliated FAA Programs

We also have a partner online course to begin studying for your Part 107 certification exam. You can begin studying while practicing flying your drone


I have never flown a drone

Introduction to Drones for Beginners

We have an online course to help you get started: Introduction to Drones for Beginners. This course covers the basics using a DJI drone (mavic pro 2), which is a great drone to start with

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Get in touch with us!

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